Instructions: You can select beaches for the reports by moving one or more Jurisdictions (State, Tribe, or U.S. territory), Counties, or Beaches into the "Selected Areas" box on the far right. Find a single beach by clicking on an item in the Jurisdictions box, then Counties, and then Beaches. Add the beach to the Selected Areas box by clicking on a beach in the select list (highlights) and clicking the single right arrow. Multiple beaches can be selected by holding the Control and(or) Shift key and clicking on each beach. After the beaches have been selected the single right arrow can also be used to move the beaches to the Selected Areas box. All beaches in a county can be moved to the Selected Area box by using the double right arrow which will appear when an item in the beaches box has been selected or by selecting the county name and using the single right arrow to move the county name over (recommended for better performance). Also, all beaches in a Jursidiction can be added to the Selected Area box by selecting the Jursidiction and using the single right arrow.
In order to remove all selections from the Selected Areas box click the double left arrow. In order to remove specific beaches or groups from the Selected Areas box use the single left arrow to remove the selections one at a time.
Hold down the Ctrl key and(or) the Shift key to select more than one US EPA Regions.
Hold down the Ctrl key and(or) the Shift key to select more than one Water body.
To find beaches grouped by HUC code use the WATERS GeoViewer 2.0 (opens in a new window).
Refer to the BEACON User's Guide for more information.