Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported    
Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported in 2024
CountyTotalMonitoredNot MonitoredTier 4 (B)*Beach Length (Mi)
Only coastal beaches are included on these lists.

For more information contact:    
Contact NameContact EmailContact PhoneAgency Name    Agency URL   
Diane PackettDianel.packett@wisconsin.gov608-264-9220Wisconsin Dept. of Natural ResourcesWebsite
List of Beaches    
  • 1 - 100 of 220
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: WI, County: Ashland
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
WI5103566th Ave W BeachYes2-.04
WI172877Americinn BeachNo4-.04
WI883392Bayview Park BeachYes2-.1
WI937015Big Bay State Park BeachNo4-1.4
WI985506Big Bay Town Park BeachNo4-.22
WI415576Capser Road BeachNo4-.04
WI467416Hot Pond Beach At Xcel EnergyNo4-.17
WI664128Kreher Park BeachYes2-.04
WI492046La Pointe Memorial BeachNo4-.07
WI134911Maslowski East BeachYes2-.27
WI551399Maslowski West BeachYes2-.4
Count: 11Sum : 2.79
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: WI, County: Bayfield
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
WI612731Bark Bay BeachesNo4-1.84
WI822772Big Pete BeachNo4-.66
WI863673Bono Creek Boat Launch BeachNo3-.05
WI092383Broad Street BeachYes2-.02
WI104571Herbster Beach - Clover Town Park BeachYes2-.36
WI704411Herbster Beach West - Fisherman's BeachYes2-.24
WI226688Highway 13 Wayside BeachNo4-.09
WI665352Little Sand Bay BeachYes2-.27
WI627331Memorial Beach BayfieldNo4-.02
WI928596Memorial Park Beach WashburnYes3-.06
WI159171Port Wing Beach EastYes2-.15
WI347339Port Wing Beach WestYes2-.79
WI887162River Loop Road BeachNo4-.03
WI728716Sioux River Beach NorthYes2-.18
WI666189Sioux River Beach SouthYes2-1.13
WI197157Siskiwit Bay Beach EastYes2-.31
WI877155Siskiwit Bay Beach WestYes2-.22
WI275933Thompson West End Park BeachYes2-.07
WI981381Washburn Marina BeachYes3-.04
WI437149Washburn Walking Trail Beach / Bab BeachNo4-.06
WI984993Washington Avenue BeachYes2-.11
WI151032Wikdal Memorial Boat Launch BeachNo3-.03
Count: 22Sum : 6.73
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: WI, County: Brown
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
WI851239Bay BeachNo4-.28
WI740597Bayshore Park BeachYes2-.23
WI403290Communiversity Park BeachNo4-.27
WI488049Joliet ParkNo4-.22
WI477262Longtail BeachNo4-.52
WI700333South Bay MarinaNo4-.04
WI744516Sunset Beach RoadYes3-.02
WI268522Town Of Scott Park BeachNo4-.02
WI405669Van Lanen BeachNo4-.01
WI851821Volk'S Landing Boat Launch BeachNo4-.02
Count: 10Sum : 1.63
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: WI, County: Door
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
WI501955Anclam Park BeachYes2-.03
WI648903Arrowhead Lane BeachNo4-.03
WI914897Baileys Harbor Ridges Park BeachYes1-.09
WI454590Bittersweet Lane BeachYes3-.04
WI982339Braunsdorf BeachNo4-.11
WI822170Chippewa Drive BeachNo4-.02
WI722618Clay Banks Beach 1No4-.17
WI198915Clay Banks Beach 2Yes2-.63
WI571574Cliff View Drive BeachNo4-.01
WI509669County Tt BeachYes3-.02
WI690474Deer Path Lane BeachYes3-.01
WI421809Egg Harbor BeachYes1-.06
WI797561Ellison Bay Town Park BeachYes1-.02
WI062070Ephraim BeachYes1-.05
WI890519Europe Bay Beach 1Yes2-.53
WI902641Europe Bay Beach 3Yes2-.57
WI805969Fish Creek BeachYes1-.03
WI641392Garrett Bay Boat Launch BeachNo4-.01
WI218684Gislason BeachYes2-.04
WI239741Goldenrod Lane BeachYes3-.01
WI826309Haines Park BeachYes2-.05
WI458895Hemlock Lane BeachYes3-.03
WI186833Hotz Memorial Park (Europe Bay #2)Yes2-.14
WI201331Isle View BeachNo4-.62
WI171560Jackson Harbor Ridges - WiYes2-.12
WI868378Kickapoo Drive BeachNo4-.02
WI279186Lakeshore Drive Beach DoorYes3-.01
WI160438Lakeside Park BeachYes2-.03
WI898745Lily Bay Boat Launch BeachYes3-.03
WI641986Murphy Park BeachYes1-.24
WI997969Newport Bay BeachYes1-.54
WI512106Nicolet BeachYes1-.1
WI873897Otumba Park BeachYes1-.03
WI309537Pebble Beach Road DoorYes3-.01
WI160996Percy Johnson Memorial Park BeachYes2-.09
WI757225Portage Park BeachYes2-.33
WI527029Potawatomi State Park Beach 1Yes3-.05
WI111056Potawatomi State Park Beach 2No4-.16
WI551066Robert E Lasalle ParkYes3-.09
WI338621Rock Island State Park BeachYes2-.37
WI921966SAND BAY BEACH---.06
WI176829Sand Bay Beach 1Yes2-.01
WI607192Sand Bay Beach 2Yes3-.01
WI155253Sand CoveNo4-.14
WI247871Sand Dune BeachYes2-.04
WI282701Sandy Bay Town Park BeachYes2-.07
WI584728School House BeachYes2-.12
WI847906Sister Bay BeachYes1-.02
WI313701Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal Nature PreserveYes2-.1
WI845995Sunset Beach Fish CreekYes3-.03
WI500512Sunset Park Beach Sturgeon BayYes1-.06
WI320073White Pine Lane BeachNo4-.01
WI587021Whitefish Bay Boat Launch BeachYes2-.04
WI872074Whitefish Dunes BeachYes1-1.23
WI201701Winnebago Drive BeachNo4-.01
Count: 55Sum : 7.49
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: WI, County: Douglas
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
WI578209Allouez Bay Beach #3No4-.05
WI349391Allouez Bay Beach 1No3-.15
*CWA SEC. 406 ”(g) LIST OF WATERS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Beginning not later than 18 months after the date of publication of performance criteria under subsection (a), based on information made available to the Administrator, the Administrator shall identify, and maintain a list of, discrete coastal recreation waters adjacent to beaches or similar points of access that are used by the public that— ‘‘(A) specifies any waters described in this paragraph that are subject to a monitoring and notification program consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a); and ‘‘(B) specifies any waters described in this paragraph for which there is no monitoring and notification program (including waters for which fiscal constraints will prevent the State or the Administrator from performing monitoring and notification consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a)).