Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported    
Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported in 2024
CountyTotalMonitoredNot MonitoredTier 4 (B)*Beach Length (Mi)
St. Louis341611720.25
Only coastal beaches are included on these lists.

For more information contact:    
Contact NameContact EmailContact PhoneAgency Name    Agency URL   
Lauren Tehanlauren.tehan@state.mn.us651-201-5108Minnesota Department of HealthWebsite
List of Beaches    
  • 1 - 81 of 81
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: MN, County: Cook
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
MN689449Butterwort Cliffs BeachNo4-1.33
MN870284Cascade State Park Campground BeachNo4-1.96
MN503571Cascade State Park West BeachNo4-.37
MN439126Chicago Bay Boat Launch BeachYes2-.03
MN689602Colville Creek BeachYes2-2.05
MN447052Croftville BeachNo4-1.18
MN804694Cutface Creek Wayside Rest BeachYes2-2.08
MN933096Durfee Creek Area BeachYes2-1.43
MN225526Grand Marais Campground BeachYes2-.72
MN344366Grand Marais Downtown BeachYes2-.59
MN779934Horseshoe Bay Boat Launch BeachNo4-.05
MN707089Judge C.R. Magney State Park East BeachNo4-.41
MN103172Judge C.R. Magney State Park West BeachNo4-.49
MN150766Kadunce Creek BeachYes2-3.38
MN890106Old Shore Road Beach AreaYes2-.19
MN944718Paradise BeachYes2-1.34
MN128244Ray Berglund Wayside Rest BeachNo4-.25
MN840885Red Cliff BeachNo4-1.26
MN590913Schroeder Town Park BeachYes2-.22
MN301415Sugarloaf Cove BeachYes2-.7
MN926506Temperance River State Park BeachYes2-.71
MN970177Temperance River State Park East BeachNo4-.81
Count: 22Sum : 21.55
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: MN, County: Lake
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
MN407103Agate Bay BeachYes2-.33
MN790218Black BeachYes2-.62
MN927832Blueberry Hill BeachNo4-.34
MN603895Burlington Bay BeachYes2-.57
MN327487Flood Bay BeachYes2-.39
MN395249Gooseberry Falls State Park BeachYes2-1.6
MN532705Iona's BeachNo4-.28
MN409498Knife River Marina BeachYes2-.61
MN735919Manitou River BeachNo4-.1
MN836337Palisade BeachNo4-1.47
MN159760Silver Bay Marina BeachNo3-.17
MN595397Silver Cliff BeachNo4-.37
MN643227Silver Creek BeachNo4-.3
MN508391Split Rock Lighthouse State Park / Corundum Point BeachNo4-1.06
MN492975Split Rock Lighthouse State Park / Crazy Bay BeachNo4-1
MN683484Split Rock Lighthouse State Park / Gold Rock Point BeachNo4-1.54
MN633882Split Rock Lighthouse State Park / Split Rock Point BeachNo4-.47
MN178531Split Rock Lighthouse State Park BeachYes2-.82
MN143299Split Rock River BeachYes2-.56
MN459713Stewart River BeachYes2-.31
MN625462Tettegouche State Park / Baptism River BeachYes2-.9
MN661643Tettegouche State Park / Crystal Bay BeachNo4-1.35
MN545770Tettegouche State Park BeachNo4-.67
MN503625Twin Points Public Access BeachYes2-.64
MN205888Two Harbors City Park BeachNo4-.37
Count: 25Sum : 16.84
Year: 2024, Jurisdiction: MN, County: St. Louis
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
MN57017442nd Avenue East BeachYes2-.06
MN616231Bayfront Park BeachNo4-.28
MN307508Blatnik Fishing Pier BeachNo4-.45
MN891405Bluebird Landing BeachYes2-.18
MN718175Boy Scout Landing BeachYes2-.03
MN918956Brighton BeachYes1-.76
MN201863Clyde Avenue Boat Landing BeachYes2-.09
MN372694French River BeachYes2-.32
MN493002Glensheen Cemetery BeachNo4-.47
MN791328Indian Point Campground BeachNo4-.33
MN114134Lakewalk BeachYes1-1.09
MN452693Lakewalk East / 16th Avenue East BeachYes2-.67
MN530434Lakewalk East / 26th Avenue East BeachNo4-.39
MN314613Lakewood Pump Station BeachNo4-.77
MN761071Leif Erikson Park BeachYes1-.54
MN713581Lester River BeachYes2-.19
MN179927McQuade Road Safe Harbor BeachNo4-.4
MN956135Minnesota Point Harbor BeachNo4-.8
MN524952Minnesota Point Harbor Side / 15th Street BeachYes1-.16
MN209496Morgan Park BeachNo4-.25
MN957934North Shore Drive Wayside Rest / 72nd Avenue East BeachNo4-1.24
MN196533North Shore Drive Wayside Rest / Cant Road BeachNo4-1.33
MN801949Park Point 20th Street / Hearding Island Canal BeachNo3-.05
MN346355Park Point Beach HouseYes1-3.02
MN802797Park Point Franklin Park / 13th Street South BeachYes1-1.11
MN218493Park Point Lafayette Community Club BeachYes1-1.8
MN324141Park Point Sky Harbor Parking Lot BeacYes1-1.13
MN591851Park Point Southworth Marsh BeachNo4-.47
MN816652Smithville Park BeachNo4-.2
MN966726Stony Point BeachYes2-.36
MN415778Stony Point Wayside Rest BeachNo4-.07
MN798843Waterfront Trail / Interlake BeachNo4-.24
MN366747Waterfront Trail / Radio Towers BeachNo4-.23
MN177489Waterfront Trail / Riverside BeachNo4-.77
Count: 34Sum : 20.25
*CWA SEC. 406 ”(g) LIST OF WATERS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Beginning not later than 18 months after the date of publication of performance criteria under subsection (a), based on information made available to the Administrator, the Administrator shall identify, and maintain a list of, discrete coastal recreation waters adjacent to beaches or similar points of access that are used by the public that— ‘‘(A) specifies any waters described in this paragraph that are subject to a monitoring and notification program consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a); and ‘‘(B) specifies any waters described in this paragraph for which there is no monitoring and notification program (including waters for which fiscal constraints will prevent the State or the Administrator from performing monitoring and notification consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a)).