Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported    
Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported in 2025
CountyTotalMonitoredNot MonitoredTier 4 (B)*Beach Length (Mi)
Only coastal beaches are included on these lists.

For more information contact:    
Contact NameContact EmailContact PhoneAgency Name    Agency URL   
Lizz Millerelizabeth.miller@makah.com360-645-3162Makah TribeWebsite
Org CodeOrganization NameOrganization DescTribal IdState CodeContact EmailContact PhoneRole Code
106650Makah Tribe - 100000148MKelizabeth.miller@makah.com360-645-3162STATE
List of Beaches    
  • 1 - 15 of 15
Year: 2025, Jurisdiction: MK, County: Clallam
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
WA169004Cape FlatteryNo4-16.02
WA230086Cape Flattery Trail LookoutNo4-.17
WA369836Dakwas Park Beach, Neah BayYes1-.27
WA304130First Beach, Neah BayNo2-.17
WA283864Front Street Beach, EastYes1-.59
WA515050Hobuck BeachYes1-1.81
WA394351Makah MarinaNo3-.18
WA519274Ozette Indian ReservationNo2-2.56
WA734661Ozette IslandNo4-1.93
WA689090Second Beach, Neah BayNo3-.43
WA878755Sooes BeachYes1-2.85
WA853688South SooesNo4-4.45
WA726026Third Beach, Neah BayYes1-.5
WA259301Waadah IslandNo3-1.56
WA188998Warmhouse BeachNo2-1.7
Count: 15Sum : 35.19
*CWA SEC. 406 ”(g) LIST OF WATERS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Beginning not later than 18 months after the date of publication of performance criteria under subsection (a), based on information made available to the Administrator, the Administrator shall identify, and maintain a list of, discrete coastal recreation waters adjacent to beaches or similar points of access that are used by the public that— ‘‘(A) specifies any waters described in this paragraph that are subject to a monitoring and notification program consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a); and ‘‘(B) specifies any waters described in this paragraph for which there is no monitoring and notification program (including waters for which fiscal constraints will prevent the State or the Administrator from performing monitoring and notification consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a)).