Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported    
Number of BEACH Act Beaches Reported in 2025
CountyTotalMonitoredNot MonitoredTier 4 (B)*Beach Length (Mi)
Anne Arundel2424002.27
Queen Anne's2200.25
St. Mary's3300.57
Only coastal beaches are included on these lists.

For more information contact:    
Contact NameContact EmailContact PhoneAgency Name    Agency URL   
HEATHER MERRITTheather.merritt@maryland.gov410-537-3618Maryland Department of the EnvironmentWebsite
List of Beaches    
  • 1 - 100 of 274
Year: 2025, Jurisdiction: MD, County: Allegany
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
MD567569Camp Potomac Boyscout BeachYes2-.01
MD933361Resort BeachYes3-.02
MD281694Rocky Gap State Park - Campers BeachYes2-.59
MD509628Rocky Gap State Park - Cove BeachYes2-.18
MD200470Rocky Gap State Park - Main BeachYes2-.1
Count: 5Sum : .9
Year: 2025, Jurisdiction: MD, County: Anne Arundel
Beach IDBeach NameIs
Length (Mi)
MD821457Admiral HeightsYes2-.01
MD608140Annapolis LandingYes3-.03
MD751497Annapolis SailingYes1-.03
MD435268Arden On The Severn at Shore EndYes2-.04
MD437635Arden on the Severn at OakviewYes2-.04
MD981946Arden on the Severn at PullenYes2-.02
MD864770Arden on the Severn at Valentine CreekYes2-.06
MD575256Arundel on the BayYes2-.03
MD701229Atlantic Marina ResortYes2-.02
MD849376Avalon ShoresYes2-.01
MD624166Bahama BeachYes2-.03
MD254131Bay Ridge at Bay Dr.Yes1-.06
MD525064Bay Ridge at OgletonYes2-.07
MD854428Bay Ridge at River Dr.Yes1-.03
MD889664Bayside BeachYes2-.02
MD337680Beverly BeachYes2-.23
MD802960Beverly TritonYes1-.43
MD356114Camp LettsYes1-.03
MD454752Camp WabannaYes1-.05
MD870861Camp WhippoorwillYes1-.03
MD771935Camp WoodlandsYes1-0
MD785571Cape AnneYes3-.01
MD180594Cape ArthurYes2-.04
MD765722Cape McKinseyYes3-0
MD967883Cape St Claire at Lake ClaireYes2-.02
MD973999Cape St. Claire at Persimmon PointYes2-.06
MD689873Cape St. JohnYes2-.02
MD206412Carrollton ManorYes2-.02
MD709990Chandler PointYes3-.02
MD461894Chesapeake Bay FoundationYes2-.15
MD562092Chestnut HillYes2-.01
MD659828Deale BeachYes3-.03
MD850158Edgewater ShadysideYes2-.01
MD611269Edgewater SunnysideYes2-.04
MD362694Elizabeth LandingYes2-.01
MD276588Epping ForestYes1-.04
MD953901Fort Smallwood ParkYes3-.05
MD329092Fort Smallwood at Pond DriveYes1-.23
MD954026Franklin ManorYes2-.02
MD938348Galesville-County PierYes3-.01
MD474919Glebe HeightsYes3-.02
MD718480Glen IsleYes2-.02
MD433305Herald HarborYes2-.02
MD231310High PointYes2-.02
MD252577Highland BeachYes2-.15
MD662173Hillsmere ShoresYes2-.03
MD129749Hollywood on the SevernYes2-.01
MD796029Hunters HarborYes2-.02
MD305289Idlewilde on the BayYes3-.02
MD475646Kurtz BeachYes3-.01
MD457942Loch HavenYes2-.03
MD594055Londontown Beach at ArundelYes2-.02
MD156746Londontown Beach at MidlandYes2-.03
MD133908Londontown Beach at Silver RunYes2-.06
MD986576Londontown at DelmarYes2-.02
MD419968Londontown at HighlandYes2-.05
MD242788Long PointYes3-.02
MD614723Lower Hickory PointYes3-.01
MD687857Lower Magothy BeachYes3-.01
MD958082Magothy ManorYes2-.01
MD726840Manhattan Beach at Cypress CreekYes3-.01
MD585301Manhattan Beach at Dividing CreekYes3-.01
MD214837Mason's BeachYes3-.02
MD719498Mayo Beach ParkYes1-.05
MD388482Moorings on the MagothyYes2-.04
MD729276Mountain Point at Gibson IslandYes2-.03
MD406022North ShoreYes2-.03
MD477760Olde Severna ParkYes1-.02
MD354664Orchard BeachYes2-.03
MD143211Oyster HarborYes2-.03
MD805403Pine Grove VillageYes3-0
MD472871Pines on the SevernYes2-.02
MD295704Ponder CoveYes2-.02
MD751009River Club EstatesYes3-.01
MD297072Riviera BeachYes2-.07
MD841310Rockwood CommunityYes3-.02
MD286751Rose HavenYes2-.09
MD505637Round Bay Main BeachYes1-.01
MD545156Round Bay at Round Bay Rd.Yes2-.01
MD567227Rugby HallYes2-.01
MD987068Sandy Point State Park East BeachYes1-.16
MD134679Sandy Point State Park Middle BeachYes1-.47
MD248962Sandy Point State Park South BeachYes1-.45
MD204289Saunders PointYes2-.07
MD929192Selby on the BayYes2-.08
*CWA SEC. 406 ”(g) LIST OF WATERS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Beginning not later than 18 months after the date of publication of performance criteria under subsection (a), based on information made available to the Administrator, the Administrator shall identify, and maintain a list of, discrete coastal recreation waters adjacent to beaches or similar points of access that are used by the public that— ‘‘(A) specifies any waters described in this paragraph that are subject to a monitoring and notification program consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a); and ‘‘(B) specifies any waters described in this paragraph for which there is no monitoring and notification program (including waters for which fiscal constraints will prevent the State or the Administrator from performing monitoring and notification consistent with the performance criteria established under subsection (a)).