Instructions: This outline will allow you to select alternative filters than those preset for the reports. Please note that the tree structure is fully expanded automatically to display all miscellaneous filtering options. The preset filters show a green checkmark and will include in the resulting reports beaches with No Advisory or closure, Advisory, Closure, Non-Reporting, Unspecified Reporting status; Dormant and Tier 4 beaches; and beaches classified as Public or Unspecified Access. You can auto set filters so that the dataset matches the Dynamic National Beach Report (DNR) by selecting the DNR radio button or matches the National List of Beaches (NLB) by selecting the NLB radio button. By clicking the Reset Filters button, you can reset the filters to its default settings. You can turn off a green preset filter by clicking in a checked box or add a filter by clicking in an empty box. Adding a filter will include beaches that fall under that particular category. To include Tier 4 beaches in your report, remove the green checkmark from ACTIVE and INACTIVE options.