Beach Profile Detail
General and Map

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Links to Additional Data Reports
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Swim Season and Water Quality Monitoring Frequency

WQS Criteria Names and Values
IndicatorWater TypeMeasureValueUnitsComments
ENTEROCOCCUSMARINEBNT104CFU/100mlNo Comments Submitted
ENTEROCOCCUSMARINESSM104CFU/100mlNo Comments Submitted
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Local Action Decision Procedures
Note: Procedure Code naming convention is XY_NAME where X is R (REOPEN), D (DETERM), or I (ISSUE) and Y is A (Advisory), C (Closing), or B (Both a Closing and an Advisory).
User Supplied
Procedure Description
DA_WTR_STANDDETERMINE ADVISORY: Compare with water standardsCompare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether standards are exceededCompare w/ standards 20212021
DC_WTR_STANDDETERMINE CLOSING: Compare with water standardsCompare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether standards are exceededCompare w/ standards20212021
IA_DIF_AGNCYISSUE ADVISORY: Different Agency(ies)Provide announcement to other government agency(ies)Announcement to Agencies 20212021
IA_BEACHISSUE ADVISORY: Post at BeachPost advisory or closing at the beachPost at Bch 20212021
IA_INTERNETISSUE ADVISORY: Post on InternetPost advisory or closing on the InternetPost on Internet 20212021
IC_DIF_AGNCYISSUE CLOSING: Different Agency(ies)Provide announcement to other government agency(ies)Announcement to Agencies20212021
IC_BEACHISSUE CLOSING: Post at BeachPost advisory or closing at the beachPost at Bch20212021
IC_INTERNETISSUE CLOSING: Post on InternetPost advisory or closing on the InternetPost Closure on the Internet20212021
RA_RESAMPLEREOPEN ADVISORY: ResampleResample and compare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether levels are belowCompare resample to standards 20212021
RA_INTERNALREOPEN ADVISORY: AgencyProvide announcement to agency staffRe-sample passed, announce to agencies 20212021
RA_INTERNETREOPEN ADVISORY: Post on InternetPost reopening on the InternetPost Reopening on Internet 20212021
RC_RESAMPLEREOPEN CLOSING: ResampleResample and compare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether levels are belowDetermine if threshold exceeded20212021
RC_INTERNETREOPEN CLOSING: Post on InternetPost reopening on the InternetPost reopening on the Internet20212021
IC_BEACHISSUE CLOSING: Post at BeachPost advisory or closing at the beachPost closing at the beach20052020
IC_INTERNETISSUE CLOSING: Post on InternetPost advisory or closing on the InternetPost closing on the internet20052020
IC_PHONEISSUE CLOSING: Provide phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone lineProvide closing on hotline20052020
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Contact Information