Note: Procedure Code naming convention is XY_NAME where X is R (REOPEN), D (DETERM), or I (ISSUE) and Y is A (Advisory), C (Closing), or B (Both a Closing and an Advisory).
DB_DIS_AGNCY | DETERMINE COMBINED: Discuss with agencies | Discuss situation with other agencies | Notification - Contact station issuance authority(ies), owner(s), responsible party(ies), and/or interested party(ies) | 2005 | 2020 | DB_ASES_RISK | DETERMINE COMBINED: Assess risk | Assess risks to potential swimmers | Assessment - Evaluate results and/or imminant health situation for risk to potential swimmers | 2005 | 2020 | IB_BEACH | ISSUE COMBINED: Post at Beach | Post advisory or closing at the beach | Notification - Post advisory sign at beach | 2005 | 2020 | MO_INTERNET | Post on article | Post results on the Internet | Re-Opening - Post monitoring results and beach status on MPCA Beach Web Page ( | 2006 | 2020 | MO_PHONE | Provide phone line | Provide results on hotline/water quality information/results/phone line | Re-Opening - Update Beach Advisory phone Hotline | 2006 | 2020 | MO_PHONE | Provide phone line | Provide results on hotline/water quality information/results/phone line | Notification - Update Beach Advisory phone Hotline | 2006 | 2020 | MO_ON_REQUST | Provide on request | Provide results to anyone on request | Notification - Provide monitoring results and beach status upon request | 2005 | 2020 | OT_OTHER | Other | Other | Re-Opening - Generate e-mail to local news media and alert distribution list | 2005 | 2020 | RB_RESAMPLE | REOPEN COMBINED: Resample | NAME | Re-Opening - Grab Sample using bottles/bags provided by contract Laboratory | 2005 | 2020 | RB_DIF_AGNCY | REOPEN COMBINED: Discuss with agencies | Discuss situation with other agencies | Re-Opening - Contact station issuance authority(ies), owner(s), responsible party(ies), and/or interested party(ies) | 2005 | 2020 | RB_BEACH | REOPEN COMBINED: Post at beach | Post announcement at the beach | Re-Opening - Remove advisory sign from beach | 2005 | 2020 | MO_INTERNET | Post on article | Post results on the Internet | Notification - Post monitoring results and beach status on MPCA Beach Web Page ( | 2005 | 2006 | OT_OTHER | Other | Other | Notification - Generate e-mail to local media and alert participants. | 2005 | 2006 | |