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Swim Season and Water Quality Monitoring Frequency

WQS Criteria Names and Values
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Local Action Decision Procedures
Note: Procedure Code naming convention is XY_NAME where X is R (REOPEN), D (DETERM), or I (ISSUE) and Y is A (Advisory), C (Closing), or B (Both a Closing and an Advisory).
User Supplied
Procedure Description
DB_W_Q_MONTRDETERMINE COMBINED: Water quality monitoringPerform water quality modelingPerform water quality monitoring20092010
DB_WTR_STANDDETERMINE COMBINED: Compare with water standardsCompare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether standards are exceededCompare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether standards are exceeded20092010
DB_ASES_SICKDETERMINE COMBINED: Asses sicknessAssess number of complaints of sicknessAssess number of complaints of sickness20092010
DB_ASES_RISKDETERMINE COMBINED: Assess riskAssess risks to potential swimmersAssess risks to potential swimmers20092010
DB_PREEMPTVEDETERMINE COMBINED: PreemptiveCompare conditions to preemptive closing criteriaCompare conditions to preemptive closing criteria20092010
DC_PRECAUTNDETERMINE CLOSING: PrecautionaryPerform a precautionary closing in response to hazardous dischargesPerform a precautionary closing in response to hazardous discharges20092010
IB_RESP_PRSNISSUE COMBINED: Notify responsible personNotify owner/manager/operator/lifeguards of resultsNotify owner/manager/operator/lifeguards of results20092010
IB_BEACHISSUE COMBINED: Post at BeachPost advisory or closing at the beachPost advisory or closing at the beach20092010
IB_INTERNETISSUE COMBINED: Post on InternetPost advisory or closing on the InternetPost advisory or closing on the internet20092010
IB_PHONEISSUE COMBINED: Provide phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone line20092010
MO_INTERNETPost on articlePost results on the InternetPost results on the Internet20092010
RB_RESAMPLEREOPEN COMBINED: ResampleNAMEResample and compare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether levels are below20092010
RB_STD_RAINREOPEN COMBINED: Standard rain reopeningReopen after a set number of days following rainfallReopen after a set number of days following rainfall20092010
RB_BEACHREOPEN COMBINED: Post at beachPost announcement at the beachPost announcement at the beach20092010
RB_INTERNETREOPEN COMBINED: Post on InternetPost reopening on the InternetPost reopening on the Internet20092010
RB_PHONEREOPEN COMBINED: Provide phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone line20092010
DB_W_Q_MONTRDETERMINE COMBINED: Water quality monitoringPerform water quality modelingPerform water quality monitoring20052009
DB_WTR_STANDDETERMINE COMBINED: Compare with water standardsCompare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether standards are exceededCompare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether standards are exceeded20052009
DB_ASES_SICKDETERMINE COMBINED: Asses sicknessAssess number of complaints of sicknessAssess number of complaints of sickness20052009
DB_ASES_RISKDETERMINE COMBINED: Assess riskAssess risks to potential swimmersAssess risks to potential swimmers20052009
DB_PREEMPTVEDETERMINE COMBINED: PreemptiveCompare conditions to preemptive closing criteriaCompare conditions to preemptive closing criteria20052009
DC_PRECAUTNDETERMINE CLOSING: PrecautionaryPerform a precautionary closing in response to hazardous dischargesPerform a precautionary closing in response to hazardous discharges20052009
IB_RESP_PRSNISSUE COMBINED: Notify responsible personNotify owner/manager/operator/lifeguards of resultsNotify owner/manager/operator/lifeguards of results20052009
IB_BEACHISSUE COMBINED: Post at BeachPost advisory or closing at the beachPost advisory or closing at the beach20052009
IB_INTERNETISSUE COMBINED: Post on InternetPost advisory or closing on the InternetPost advisory or closing on the internet20052009
IB_PHONEISSUE COMBINED: Provide phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone line20052009
MO_INTERNETPost on articlePost results on the InternetPost results on the Internet20052009
RB_RESAMPLEREOPEN COMBINED: ResampleNAMEResample and compare bacterial concentrations with water quality standards to determine whether levels are below20052009
RB_STD_RAINREOPEN COMBINED: Standard rain reopeningReopen after a set number of days following rainfallReopen after a set number of days following rainfall20052009
RB_BEACHREOPEN COMBINED: Post at beachPost announcement at the beachPost announcement at the beach20052009
RB_INTERNETREOPEN COMBINED: Post on InternetPost reopening on the InternetPost reopening on the Internet20052009
RB_PHONEREOPEN COMBINED: Provide phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone lineProvide results on hotline/water quality information/result phone line20052009
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