Beach Actions (Advisories and Closures)
For each beach action at a beach: Presents details of each beach action including: (1) type of action (e.g., closure, rain advisory, contamination advisory), (2) starting and ending date and time (in the case of partial day actions) of the action, (3a) duration of the action in days (???day??? is defined as: an action lasting less than 24 hours will have a duration of 1 day. Any action lasting 24 hours or more will have a duration equal to the number of days on which the action occurred), (3b) for jurisdictions using partial day actions, the action will be in hours and percentage of time the beach was affected is calculated against the beach day length), (4) action reason, source, and the indicator used to trigger the action. The list is sorted by county, beach name and action start date. The default "1. Primary Report" combines into one line all action Reasons, Indicators, and Possible Sources as a "Main Report". To see a detailed listing, move your cursor to the right and click on "Detailed Report". Note: An action can be based on a model or policy and not be a monitored beach.

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